Well, here it is! My first blog to commemorate my new idea...Butt Uglies. When my second daughter was born, I decided to jump in headfirst into the cloth diapering world. I bought some prefolds, Snappis, and "plastic pants" (as my mom calls them) online. But I have an exceptionally chubby daughter (she doesn't miss many meals). Those dang prefolds in the size that was supposed to fit a chunky child were quickly getting too small! So, I did what any mother with already not enough time would do...I got on my vintage sewing machine (it had belonged to my husband's grandmother) and began to make my own diapers. I started out with prefolds made out of flannel with microfiber soakers. They were cute, but the Snappis didn't grab hold very well. So I started to tinker with the Rita's Rump Cover pattern to make my own fitteds. What I came up with I decided to call Butt Uglies. :) They're all mismatched...not actually ugly, I don't think, but I liked the name. I made a little template for a soaker pad to go inside the RRP diaper and it seems like a good fit. I used old t-shirts that my husband and I were done with, and microfiber towels from Costco (nice, cheap, and big enough) for the soaker pads. Then I wrapped it all up with fold over elastic (FOE) for a nice look...and viola! Butt Uglies were born!
One of my husband's old t-shirts |
I used microfleece for the lining for a stay dry feel |
On my chubby baby with the Snappi |
Check out those back rolls! (and nice snug fit at the waist) |
This one is the only one not currently in the wash...part of the name Butt Uglies is derived from my poor sewing skills, mismatching of fabrics, and using up of scraps of FOE...here it is! Tell me what you think!!!
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